Jock Thomson

You tell me you want to talk to me while I peel an apple. The air conditioner makes a very loud noise, don't sleep anyway; either because of the heat / or because of the annoying sound. Tomorrow I'll look for someone's number to fix it. Al parco di fronte casa sta passando la notte una ragazza. Si è sistemata il letto sullo scivolo. La pioggia lascia non tradotta l'ultima emozione buona prima di dormire. 

Pavel Achramiejeu

When you tried to cook an omelette it didn't go well. It was burned and tasted bad. The next days you went to the beach and ate a really good honey sandwich. You created a sandcastle and sent to me the photos saying: this is Nosferatu's house. 

Izy Bandha e KurtFckngWolf

join my club:

there is a beach

without lights

without stars

only my old love is present:

a stuffed cat who lived with me for twenty years and slept in my ex-boyfriend's underwear.

John Brian King

How high can a kangaroo jump?

I knocked out two teeth and can't eat anything but yogurt. 10 days of yogurt. I think of fried aubergines, you in a bathing suit and aubergines. Then I think about kangaroos. Everyday. As soon as I get up.

Polina Muzyk

My little fingers inside watermelon

I ask my body to loosen up dressed casually 

then when he comes back tired at home 

I'll ask him to take a photo at our sweat and watermelon rind

Jacopo Paglione

Ad Ostia non ci andrei per il mare;

neanche per Suburra. 

Ci andrei per leggere Sylvia Plath,


con il Panico di Johnny e 

la Bibbia. Però degli incubi. 



seccati a casa di tua madre

quando suonai il campanello

solo i Rami ed il gatto

vidi dalla finestra.



ToFuck. HowFarWeWillBeAbleToThrowThis


Joseph Del Duca



closing the restaurant

I'm wearing my new socks

your phone is turned off

I hope you're at least sleeping

in the city that I warm like the smoke of the drawer


30 days of cold

4 day period

7 days of sex

locked in the house to survive the winter.


everything seems perfect

going out in a bathrobe

to meet you.