Winter 2018

Sam Kuchvara

Sight. Maybe. Ask for. All the difference.

Acquaint. Coffin. Ask for. A muffin.

Baked muffin with onion and. A muffin or a coffin. Incinerator.

Lasse Kusk

Squeeze harder. 

I can't breathe.


I can't breathe. Squeeze


I can't squeeze. Breathe



Scirocco. Sirocco. Sciroppo. SYRUP.

Mentre ti tolgo il giubbotto. 

Menwhile I’cant unlace her bra. 

Vent le fera. Her bra sway with me in the wind. 

Senti il treno.

Michele Baron

You see the light form.

You see the scar from.

I will bite my ass cheeks 

until your face cheeks

become red.

Tiphaine Crespel

Hiccup under her heels.


Ribbons of stockings just for 

my wrists.

No feeling in this fingers

when my heart collapse.

The Dirtbag

Black horse run.

Dark seahorse_YOU swam.

I swam this river for build

your species.